Hey! Looking for ways to work from home, but not sure where to start?
My Home Biz Directory is a great way to start!
Request your FREE copy today! Email me at shay (dot) rockhold (at) gmail (dot) com. Subject: Directory Request
PS - If you have a home business already, email me for information on how you can get your business listed!
About this blog
This blog is the ramblings of me - a work-at-home mom of four that homeschools.
In this blog, I will be talking about my day-to-day experiences and also anything else I feel relates to homeschooling and parenting. (This means I write about a whole lot of things - schools, curriculum, finances, how my kids dressed up the "baby" with bunny ears and a purse [he's a boy] and took pictures, etc.)
I welcome your comments, questions and topic suggestions! Please email me at shay (dot) rockhold (at) gmail (dot) com or leave a comment on my blog.
If you like this blog, please pass it along!
If this blog made you think or made you chuckle, please pass along a link to your friends!
Please leave comments if you really liked a particular entry!
If you have a family-friendly blog, feel free to put a link to it in your comments!
Not as cute as me!
(Guess you need to drink some more orange-aday to look this good) ;)
Come on 7 of 9... talk to me... I know you love my London accent!! :D
Glad to see you back! You disappeared on me! ;)
I could never truly leave you Shay.. you are the light of my life :D
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